Service Provider to the Maritime Industry since 1850

Service Provider to the Maritime Industry since 1850



Best wishes for Ramadan

As Ramadan commences, we extend our best wishes to all who are celebrating. We hope this season brings peace and understanding.

Senegal: Dakar Port Issues Circular on Stowaways

We would like to bring the attention of all Clubs and
Members to the attached
port circular
stressing the importance of respecting certain
stowaway prevention regulations in Dakar.

In English, the circular reads:

RE: Fighting
Illegal Emigration

It has come to my
attention that the terms of our circular no. 02274/PAD/DG/DOP/COP/SS dated 15
July regarding the fight against illegal emigration are not being properly
applied by some port users.

Therefore, I would
remind you that the following security measures concerning watchmen and access
to vessels in the port apply at all times:

For vessels at berth:

Four watchmen
should be deployed as follows:

  • Two at
    the gangway of the vessel

  • One at
    the bow of the vessel

  • One at
    the stern of the vessel

Access to the vessels:

  • All
    personnel boarding and disembarking from vessels must be identified and

  • This
    information should be logged.

Once they have
been appointed, s
ome security companies have not been fully respecting the security measures listed above.
Any failure to meet the above requirements
will be sanctioned, in accordance with current legislation.

The circular is signed by the Managing Director
of the Port of Dakar.

Budd Dakar reports that in recent years, permission to disembark stowaways which have boarded in Senegal has usually been granted
and this is still
the case.  However, it is now even more important that the vessel be able to
demonstrate that the security regulations were strictly applied.

Port staff make regular rounds to check that the four mandatory watchmen are on duty.  Fines of up to CFA Francs 5,000,000.00 (Euros 7,622.45) can be imposed on vessels which do not meet this requirement.

Vessels which have not fully complied with
the security measures and then found stowaways from Senegal on board are also likely
to face longer delays and heavier sanctions, including large fines, from the
authorities than vessels which met the security regulations but nevertheless
need to disembark stowaways from Senegal.  It is expected that fines will
be smaller in the latter case.

Our local office recommends that vessels
calling in Dakar ensure that they receive the latest updates from their agents
before berthing.

It should also be noted that to obtain clearance to sail
from the Harbour Master, vessels will need to provide a stowaway
search certificate.

The situation regarding
“imported stowaways” as they are described locally remains the same, i.e. authorisation
is never granted to disembark and repatriate stowaways who have boarded a vessel
in another country.

Dakar Port Circ Security.pdf Information provided by Budd Senegal

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