

Best wishes for Ramadan

As Ramadan commences, we extend our best wishes to all who are celebrating. We hope this season brings peace and understanding.

New Record for the Port of Cai Mep-Thi Vai (Vietnam)

On 29 October, the deep water port of Cai Mep-Thi Vai was proud to welcome the largest vessel to ever call in a Vietnamese port – the 160,000 MT CSCL Star container ship.

Following a government-initiated building programme which began in October 2008, and whose first three phases have now been completed, Cai Mep-Thai Vai is set to become a deep water hub for Asia-European liner services and a competitive international freight transit centre.

At present, the port boasts two 600-metre quays for container ships of up to 100,000 DWT, two quays for 50,000 MT general cargo ships and spacious warehouse facilities.  Investment totals approxmately US$ 620 million.

In the first nine months of 2015, almost 1000 vessels called in Cai Mep-Thai Vai, an increase of 40% over the same period last year.  300 of these vessels were over 80,000 MT, a 60% increase on the 2014 figures.

It is hoped that the new port facilities will make Vietnamese exports more competitive, relieve congestion in Ho Chi MInh and promote economic growth in the surrounding provinces.

Information provided by: Mr Van Hong Dang, Budd Vietnam

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