

Best wishes for Ramadan

As Ramadan commences, we extend our best wishes to all who are celebrating. We hope this season brings peace and understanding.

COVID-19: Medical Evacuations Possible in China


On 26 March 2020, China
suspended the entry of foreign nationals due to the rapid spread of Covid-19
across the world.

However, people with emergency
humanitarian needs or those working in certain fields can apply for an exceptional
authorisation to enter China.

Recently, there have been
several cases in the ports of Yangshan and Waigaoqiao in Shanghai where the Border
Control delivered “Emergency temporary entry permits” to the sick foreign

Prior to disembarkation, all sick
crew members must undergo a complete health examination including a Covid-19
test.  If the results of Covid-19 test
are negative, the sick seafarer can be disembarked and evacuated to the designated
hospital for treatment.

As a precautionary measure
against Covid-19, the sick seafarer would have to remain in confinement for at
least 14 days in China before repatriation to his home country.

In many cases this may result
in higher medical evacuation costs for vessels and their P&I Clubs.

Should you have any queries
on medical assistance in Chinese ports, please feel free to contact Budd
China at for advice or

Information provided by Budd

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