

Best wishes for Ramadan

As Ramadan commences, we extend our best wishes to all who are celebrating. We hope this season brings peace and understanding.

China: Updated List of Polluting and Hazardous Liquid Cargoes

A recent regulation from the China Maritime Safety
Administration updated the official list of polluting and hazardous liquid bulk

Vessels carrying these cargoes are required to take
anti-pollution measures including the use of oil boom netting during loading
and discharge operations and cargo transfer at sea.

Vessels carrying listed cargoes or with a GT of over
10,000 MT (except those equipped with a main propulsion power unit using a
renewable energy e.g. LNG) should contract with a Ship Pollution Response
Organization (SPRO) before calling at any port in P.R. China or working in the
Chinese waters.

The official list of polluting and hazardous liquid bulk
cargoes now comprises 263 cargoes including the 16 persistent oil products in
Annex I of the MAPROL convention 73/78, 247 products in Chapters 17 and 18 of
the IBC code, and Lists 1 and 5 of IMO circular MEPC.2/Circ.24.

To avoid any delays or penalties, vessels concerned by
the list should respect these regulations.

For further information, owners should refer to either
their local agent or Budd China.

Information provided by Budd China

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