BUDD Group Charter of Ethics

Transparency International’s 2020 perceived public sector corruption index.
Since 1850, in addition to providing the best possible service to our clients, the Budd Group’s aim has always been, and always will be, to respect the highest moral standards.
The challenging ethical environment in which many of our colleagues operate, particularly in Africa and South East Asia as illustrated by Transparency International’s world map of public sector corruption in which perceived corruption levels are shown in shades of yellow (low) through to deep red (high) , led us to reinforce our procedures for ensuring that each and every person who works for or with the Budd Group feels personally responsible for maintaining the highest ethical standards in his or her work.
We therefore drew up the Budd Group Charter of Ethics (see CHARTER OF ETHICS BUDD GROUP 2021) which has now been signed by all our staff, representatives and suppliers, altogether more than hundred people around the world. In addition to requesting their clear and unconditional undertaking to exercise impeccable professional ethics and integrity, we also request them to immediately report any suspected wrongful deeds or misconduct.
This Charter demonstrates our commitment to this policy over and above the Anti-Bribery statements which our colleagues sign at the request of many of the clubs every year.