

Best wishes for Ramadan

As Ramadan commences, we extend our best wishes to all who are celebrating. We hope this season brings peace and understanding.

Beware Fraudulent Emails

Following a fraudster’s unsuccessful attempt to divert a payment intended for Budd into their own bank account, we would like to stress the importance of checking any previously-unknown bank account details by telephoning someone you already know at Budd before making any payments (see our for our contact details).

Particular attention should also be paid to the Budd addresses which appear on any email providing new bank account details.  In the present case, the fraudsters had created email addresses using the names of genuine Budd staff with additional words such as “budd”, “budds” or “budd.pni” in front of non-Budd domains such as @gmail or

Budd’s true email domain is and you can find the full details of the official email addresses used by our colleagues around the world here.

Any one of the parties involved in our exchanges on the file in question could have been the victim of a phishing or cyber attack which enabled the fraudsters to receive our/the clients’ emails and intervene as soon as a transfer was requested.

We would like to thank the client whose vigilance thwarted the cyber thieves.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries.

Sarah Penwarden (

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