

Happy Year of the Snake

With our very best wishes to all our Colleagues and Clients who are celebrating the Lunar New Year.

Happy New Year !

With our best wishes to our friends, clients and colleagues for a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year. [video width="1080" height="1080"...

Angola: Original Bs/L Required Once Again for Customs Clearance

Following our article of 10 July, Budd Luanda has just been advised that the General Tax Administration has now revoked its instructions authorising the Customs clearance of perishable goods without the original Bs/L if the relevant documentary payment had been delayed due to a lack of foreign currency.

A copy of the GTA’s revocation and our translation of same are attached.

Filipe Bonfim, Budd Angola                                                             Sarah Penwarden, Budd Marseille                                                 

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