

Happy Year of the Snake

With our very best wishes to all our Colleagues and Clients who are celebrating the Lunar New Year.

Happy New Year !

With our best wishes to our friends, clients and colleagues for a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year. [video width="1080" height="1080"...

Algeria: New Spate of Fines

Budd’s Algeria office warns all vessels calling in the port of Algiers that there has recently been an increase in fines issued against the Masters of vessels for a variety of alleged offences, in particular failure to sign either the deck or visitor’s log books in accordance with article 506 of the Algerian Maritime Code which states:

Article 506

A fine of between DA 20,000.00 (Euros 164.309 or US$ 184.138) and DA 40,000.00 (Euros 328.78 or US$ 368.276) may be levied agains the Master of any vessel which infringes the following rules concerning the obligation to:

1.   Present its flag to the vessels of the Navy and the Coast Guards;

2.   Fly its flag on entering territorial waters and ports;

3.   Update and keep on board all regulatory documentation and certificates.

As soon as any such infringement is observed, the ship or Master’s documents papers are confiscated until such time as the relevant P&I Club’s Correspondent has issued a letter of undertaking (LoU).  It should be noted that the correspondent is not allowed to indicate the amount of the fine he is guaranteeing on the LoU but since he is authorised to refer to Article 506, the maximum amount is implicitly DA 40,000.00 (Euros 328.78 or US$ 368.276).

Information provided by

Zakia Rahali of Budd Algeria 

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