

Senegal: Power Outage in Dakar

Budd Senegal advises that following a grid failure, large swathes of Dakar and the surrounding areas have no electricity. According to the local electricity supplier,...

Budd Group: Pioneers of P&I

We were very touched when @Neil Watson at NorthStandard shared with us the following extract from the Standard Club’s first ever printed list of Correspondents which covered 1914-15:

Neil added that we were in the illustrious company of Leopold Dor, one of the main instigators of the establishment of the Hague (1921), York and Antwerp (1939) Rules whose premises were just round the corner from our head office which first opened in 1850.

The Budd Group’s history is closely entwined with the history of P&I as it was at the invitation of the first protection and indemnity clubs, Messrs Thos. R. Miller & Son and Messrs John Holman & Sons, that we became P&I Correspondents.

Some 170+ years later, the Budd Group’s offices extend across 32 countries in France, Greece, Africa, Asia and the Southern Pacific, and Benjamin Budd, is the eighth generation of the Budd family to enter the business alongside his father, James Budd.

Further information about our history is to be found here.


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